MPMS 79020 Veteran's Memorial Bridge -Susq RiverLancaster Co.SR 462 Section 038
Consulting Party Table

Become a Consulting Party

A consulting party is a group or individual who has a demonstrated interest in the project, due to their legal or economic relationship to the undertaking or affected property. For example, consulting parties can be:
  • The local government
  • Property owners in the project area
  • Historical societies or preservation groups

If you are interested in becoming a consulting party on this project, please fill out the following information:

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
Organization Contact Name *  
* Phone   Email *  
Address Line 1 *   Address Line 2
City *   State *    Zip Code *  
Yes, I, or my organization would like to be a consulting party in the Section 106 process for the above-referenced project.

Individual's or Organization's Interest
(Please check appropriate box[es]):

Legal interest
Economic interest
Historic property concerns
Briefly justify your interests
My Organization Will be Represented by
(Please provide a mailing address of the representative if different than the address provided above.)
Other Address
When you are finished with this form, please click on the submit button: