The Pennsylvania Transportation and Heritage (PATH) website was conceived in 2009 as a tool for public involvement and public education for cultural-heritage resource management issues and efforts at the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). In 2010, PennDOT partnered with Preservation Pennsylvania (the Commonwealth's only statewide, private non-profit, membership organization dedicated to the protection of historically and architecturally significant properties) to create PATH.

PATH provides users with a searchable database of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) and Pennsylvania State History Code undertakings on all transportation projects programmed on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). To learn more about the STIP, please visit https://talkpatransportation.com/transportation-planning/STIP.

The searchable database includes frequently updated information and allows you to access documents produced pursuant to Section 106 and the State History Code for projects in your neighborhood. You may search for a project by location, name or PennDOT’s Multi-modal Project Management System (MPMS) number. PATH also offers an email alert system to inform you about transportation projects in your community, and/or based upon interest categories, that may have the potential to affect historic resources. Once you sign up, PATH will send you email alerts when PennDOT Cultural Resource Professionals post project information. If you have questions about using PATH or participating as a consulting party, you can contact us via email at pathinfo@pa.gov. A user’s guide to the database can be found here: PATH user’s guide.


Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) ( https://www.achp.gov/digital-library-section-106-landing/section-106-regulations ), consultation means the process of seeking, discussing, and considering the views of others, and, where feasible, seeking agreement with them on how historic properties should be identified, considered, and managed." Consultation is built upon the exchange of ideas, not simply providing information.

As part of the Section 106 process, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) work with consulting parties. Consulting parties include: the State Historic Preservation Officer (in Pennsylvania they are part of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission), Federally-recognized Indian Tribes and Nations, local governments, as well as other individuals and organizations with what the federal regulations implementing Section 106 (found at 36 CFR Part 800) call a "demonstrated interest" in the project. Demonstrated interest may include a legal or economic relation to the undertaking or affected properties, or concern with the undertaking’s effects on historic properties.

Consultation does not mandate a specific outcome. Rather, it is the process of seeking views on the project’s effect on historic properties and, if adverse effects cannot be avoided how those effects should be resolved through minimization and/or mitigation.

PennDOT is required to involve the public in the Section 106 process. Individuals and organizations may submit a request to become a consulting party or may simply participate at any point as a member of the public. PennDOT, in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), evaluates requests to participate as a consulting party and will alert the group or individual once approved.

By participating as a consulting party on a transportation project, your input will be considered early in the design process and may affect PennDOT’s treatment of the historic property. As a consulting party, PennDOT will actively inform you of steps in the Section 106 process and will consider your comments during the project development process.


Consulting Parties Rights



Consulting Party

Information in a timely manner about a project and its effects on historic properties

Participate in the Section 106 process

Formally seek consulting party status based on a demonstrated interest


Provide comment on a PennDOT/FHWA finding that a project has an effect on historic resources within 30 days of notice

Provide comment on how a project would avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects to a historic resource

Attend and participate in consulting party meetings


Provide comment on the eligibility of historic resources within 30 days of notice


Concur on a memorandum of agreement


Object to a PennDOT finding within 30 days of a finding


Elevate an unresolved objection to FHWA, and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation or National Register of Historic Places, as appropriate



Penndot Responsibilites

Public Interested Group Consulting Party
Clearly describe the project at the start of the section 106 process, including the project schedule  
Identify and invite consulting parties to participate in the section 106 process for a project    
Consider all requests for formal consulting party status    
Acknowledge (the public and consulting parties’) interests in a project and seek to understand them  
Provide clear comment deadlines where appropriate  
Provide findings of effect and supporting documentation  
Invite comments to resolve an adverse effect  
Document comments received from the public and consulting parties  
Have PennDOT work to resolve an objection to a determination of National Register eligibility, and if necessary involve FHWA in attempting to resolve the objection  
Provide findings of eligibility and supporting documentation and invite comments    
Invite (a consulting party) to concur on a memorandum of agreement, where appropriate    
Have PennDOT work to resolve a (consulting party) objection to a finding, and, if necessary involve FHWA in attempting to resolve the objection    

Technical Assistance Organizations

  • PennDOT Cultural Resources Management

    PennDOT Bureau of Project Delivery
    Environmental Policy and Development Section
    Cultural Resources Unit
    400 North St.
    Harrisburg, Pa 17105
    Ph: (717) 787-1024

    PennDOT maintains a staff of cultural resource professionals (CRPs) with expertise in archaeology and historic preservation. These CRPs work with project managers during the design process with the goal of avoiding or minimizing impacts to cultural resources that are on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. They consult with the Federal Highway Administration and the State Historic Preservation Office following Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the State History Code.
  • Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

    Commonwealth Keystone Building
    400 North Street, 2nd Floor
    Harrisburg, PA 17120
    Ph: (717) 787-3362

    The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is part of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC). The PHMC is the Commonwealth's official history agency, and the Executive Director is designated as the State Historic Preservation Officer. Oversight of the PHMC is provided by a board of Commissioners appointed by the Governor.

    The SHPO administers the state's historic preservation program as authorized by the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania History Code, the Pennsylvania Historic District Act, the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, and various other federal laws and regulations.
  • Federal Highway Administration

    1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
    Washington, DC 20590
    Ph: (800) 424-9071

    The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides federal transportation funding to the states and is responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, among other laws. FHWA also provides guidance and technical assistance to Federal, State, and local government staff regarding these Federal laws, as well as regulations, executive orders, policy, procedures, and training on topics related to historic preservation and cultural resources.
  • Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

    Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
    401 F Street NW, Suite 308
    Washington, DC 20001-2637
    Phone: (202) 517-0200

    The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is an independent Federal agency that promotes the preservation, enhancement, and productive use of our nation's historic resources, and advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy.
  • National Park Service

    1849 C St. NW
    Washington, DC 20240
    Ph: (202) 208-6843

    The Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science Directorate's archeologists, architects, curators, historians, and other cultural resource professionals assist America's national parks to preserve, protect, and share the history of this land and its people. Beyond the parks, they implement the National Park Service's role in the national preservation partnership, working with American Indian Tribes, states, local governments, nonprofit organizations, historic property owners, and others who believe in the importance of our shared heritage and its preservation.
  • National Trust for Historic Preservation

    2600 Virginia Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20037
    Ph: (202) 588-6000

    The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a privately funded nonprofit organization that works to preserve America’s historic places. Their mission is to protect significant places by taking direct action and by seeking to inspire broad public support.
  • Preservation Pennsylvania

    257 North Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17101
    Ph: 717.234.2310

    Preservation Pennsylvania, through educational and advocacy programs, advisory assistance, and special projects, strives to assist Pennsylvania communities to protect and utilize the historic resources they want to preserve for the future. Preservation Pennsylvania is the Commonwealth's only statewide, private non-profit, membership organization dedicated to the protection of historically and architecturally significant properties.
  • Pennsylvania Archaeological Council


    The Pennsylvania Archaeological Council (PAC) is a statewide organization of professional archaeologists dedicated to promoting Pennsylvania archaeology. Some of the goals of the organization include actively promoting legislation in the best interests of archaeology in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as assisting and advising state and federal agencies within the Commonwealth in matters pertaining to historic and archaeological preservation.

  • Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology


    The Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, Inc. was organized in 1929 to: promote the study of the prehistoric and historic archaeological resources of Pennsylvania and neighboring states; encourage scientific research and discourage exploration which is unscientific or irresponsible in intent or practice; promote the conservation of archaeological sites, artifacts, and information; encourage the establishment and maintenance of sources of archaeological information such as museums, societies, and educational programs; promote the dissemination of archaeological knowledge by means of publications and forums; foster the exchange of information between the professional and the vocational archaeologists.

  • Historic Bridge Foundation

    PO Box 66245
    Austin, Texas 78766
    Ph: 512.407.8898

    The Historic Bridge Foundation exists to help individuals and communities pay tribute to their heritage by providing education about the importance of historic bridges and by joining forces to save these engineering landmarks.


PennDOT only collects and stores your email address and contact information for log in purposes and to send you information about Department transportation projects. We do not sell or distribute your personal information. You can remove yourself from our list at any time. Please contact us at pathinfo@pa.gov to request to be removed from the mailing list. Personal information you provide when you register is stored in a secure location and is accessible only by designated staff. If you choose to participate as an interested individual or consulting party on a transportation project, you may be contacted by a PennDOT District Cultural Resource Professional regarding a new online posting. Please note that copies of letters received, and consulting party response forms or emails indicating that you wish to be a consulting party, are posted publicly on PATH unless you specifically indicate that you do not wish this information to be public. The PATH site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of those sites, and we recommend that you read their privacy policies for further information.